13 research outputs found

    A Study of V2V Communication on VANET: Characteristic, Challenges and Research Trends

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    Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication is a specific type of communication on Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)  that attracts the great interest of researchers, industries, and government attention in due to its essential application to improve safety driving purposes for the next generation of vehicles. Our paper is a systematic study of V2V communication in VANET that cover the particular research issue, and trends from the recent works of literature. We begin the article with a brief V2V communication concept and the V2V application to safety purposes and non-safety purposes; then, we analyze several problems of V2V communication for VANET related to safety issues and non-safety issues. Next, we provide the trends of the V2V communication application for VANET. Finally, provide SWOT analysis as a discussion to identify opportunities and challenges of V2V communication for VANET in the future. The paper does not include a technical explanation. Still, the article describes the general perspective of VANET to the reader, especially for the beginner reader, who intends to learn about the topic

    Simulasi Swarm Robot Dengan Pendekatan Rayap Pada Masalah Clustering

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    AbstrakPendekatan rayap yang merupakan salah satu metode dalam rumpun swarm intelligence yang dapat mengatasi masalah clustering, pada penelitian ini pendekatan rayap dilihat dari sudut pandang pemodelan berbasis agent dan diimplementasikan ke dalam swarm robot. Penelitian ini penting untuk mengembangkan model pendekatan rayap pada kasus – kasus nyata terutama pada masalah clustering, untuk mengimplemantasikan model yang diperoleh dari studi literatur maka dibuatkan simulasi untuk menggambarkan secara detail proses yang terjadi dalam menangani masalah clustering.Pendekatan IODA digunakan untuk memodelkan interaksi yang terjadi didalam simulasi, pendekatan ini di sesuaikan dengan perangkat pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu NETLOGO. Penggunaan IODA menjadi suatu kontribusi untuk mengembangkan metodologi ini, terutama pada NETLOGO disamping pengimplementasian komunikasi tidak langsung dan optimasi pencarian yang dapat membentuk clister lebih cepat dari penelitian sebelumnya. Kata kunci— Pendekatan rayap, simulasi, IODA, clustering, agent AbstractTermites approach is one of the method in swarm intelligent field which used to handle clustering problem. In this research, termites approach are in agent metodology point of view and implemented  to swarm robot. This research is important to developing termites model in some real cases especially in clustering problem, to implement this model gathered from literatur study, we used simulation to give detail model about clustering solving process.  IODA metodologi is used to modelling  the interaction in simulation, this approach is appropriate with NETLOGO as development tool. The involve of IODA has become one of the contribution to develop this in NETLOGO beside the implementation of indirect communication and searching optimization that can makes clustering process faster than the previous research. Keywords—Termites approach, Simulation, IODA, clustering, agent

    Anti-Lock Breaking System Pada Krl Commuter Line Jabodetabek Sebagai Penunjang Keselamatan Mengunakan Fuzzy Inference System

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    The public transportation model which is currently widely used by people who live in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (JABODETABEK) is the Commuter-Line Electric Train (KRL). According to online media sources(http://Kompas.com 2 December 2015), currently, the JABODETABEK Commuter-Line KRL can carry 900,000 passengers every day. Anti Lock Braking System (ABS) is a braking system that maintains the position of the wheels and the road to prevent tire/wheel slip. Anti Lock Braking System was first used or applied to aircraft. Vehicles that are not equipped with the Anti-lock Braking System must be updated. The driver makes optimal braking to prevent slip between the wheels and the road or rail so that the vehicle stops perfectly. In this paper, we will use fuzzy inference logic to support an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). Fuzzy inference is a logical method because when determining variables in the fuzzy method, the variable must have an International Standard (SI).

    Modification of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem

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    Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is an optimization problem in determining the optimal route of a number of nodes that will only be passed once with the initial node as the final destination. One method for solving TSP is the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm. ACO is inspired by ant behaviour in searching for food, where ants produce pheromones to find food sources and make a route from the colony to food that will be followed by other ants. However ACO has not been considered as the optimal method for resolving TSP. This is because ACO has several shortcomings in the computational process. Comparisons between pheromones are not yet clear, and slow computing time causes the results of ACO to be not optimal. To correct these deficiencies, modifications will be made to the ACO. Modifications are made by changing some values in the ACO, such as adjusting the number of ants by the node automatically, changing the value in the pheromone renewal, and adding value to the construction of the solution. The outcome of this research is the modification of ACO did not provide shorter computing time with a more accurate final value, thus did not provide an optimal solution. The test results in this study found that the average computation time for the last iteration of each test was 0.54 second, and for the 10 iteration computation time obtained an average of 5.54 second for four tests. The amount of memory used in four tests in this study was 440.11 mb for 10 iterations


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    Persaingan usaha pada zaman ini semakin ketat dengan bertambah banyaknya pengusaha baru selama pandemi covid-19 ini. Para pengusaha berjuang sangat keras untuk mendapatkan pelanggan dalam jual beli barang dagangannya. Namun, tidak semua pedagang mempunyai strategi atau cara dalam menjual barang dagangannya. Mereka hanya mengandalkan media sosial untuk mempromosikan barang dagangannya. Hal ini tidak cukup efektif karena hanya terfokus dalam penjualan dan belum melakukan ekspansi dalam bisnisnya. Mereka membutuhkan sistem aplikasi dropship dimana sistem tersebut dapat memudahkan para pelanggan atau orang lain dalam memasarkan produknya sehingga produknya dapat terjual lebih banyak. Penelitian ini akan membuat suatu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk dropship sehingga para pelaku usaha dapat melakukan ekspansi usaha dengan sistem dropship. Aplikasi ini dibangun secara mobile dan dapat beroperasi dalam smartphone yang berbasis android. Aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan metode Waterfall sehingga jadi suatu aplikasi yang tepat guna. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu para pengusaha UMKM dalam membuat sistem dropship bagi ekspansi bisnisnya


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    Iklim investasi di Indonesia jika dibandingkan dengan negara maju lainnya masih sangat rendah. Pada masa pandemi ini, banyak dari masyarakat Indonesia memulai untuk berinvestasi melalui platform digital. Mereka mendapatkan banyak informasi mengenai investasi dari beberapa media digital yang sekarang dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja. Namun, investasi juga mempunyai resiko yang besar jika tidak disertai oleh analisis yang tepat. Masyarakat juga bisa terpengaruh pada investasi bodong yang ditawarkan dalam media digital dimana mereka dijanjikan untuk mendapatkan return yang besar dalam jangka waktu yang sangat singkat. Instrumen investasi yang ditawarkan kepada masyarakat sangatlah banyak mulai dari Saham, Reksadana, Emas, Obligasi, hingga Aset Kripto. Oleh maka itu, penelitian ini akan mengukur seberapa besar pengaruh dari media sosial dalam referensi atau menjadi acuan dalam investasi yang dilakukan oleh generasi muda. Penelitian ini akan mengambil responden generasi muda yang berusia 17 hingga 35 tahun dan sudah memulai investasi dalam bentuk apapun. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan model penerapan media sosial dalam pengaruh investasi yang dilakukan oleh generasi muda. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk menjadi referensi para generasi muda agar mendapatkan konten dalam media sosial yang komprehensif untuk menjadi referensi investasi yang tepat


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    Pada masa pandemi Covid-19 ini banyak aplikasi mengenai investasi yang mulai bermunculan. Mereka menawarkan jasa untuk membeli instrumen investasi dalam aplikasi mereka. Namun, belum banyak konten edukasi yang terintegrasi mengenai keuangan dan belajar investasi. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak orang yang mulai berinvestasi. Baru sekitar kurang dari 2% dari masyarakat Indonesia yang sudah memulai investasi. Padahal, kebutuhan investasi di suatu negara harus lebih dari 30% agar memajukan perekonomian dari negara tersebut oleh maka itu penelitian ini ini akan membuat suatu media edukasi mengenai investasi yang dapat sad dilakukan oleh para generasi muda. Para generasi muda tentunya belum begitu banyak uangnya, namun kita bisa tahu bahwa generasi muda di Indonesia lah yang sekarang ini akan berkembang dan akan memimpin indonesia di masa yang akan datang.  Media edukasi mengenai investasi ini berwujud suatu website yang akan dirancang dengan metode waterfall dimana nantinya para masyarakat dapat menikmati konten edukasi mengenai investasi dan literasi keuangan di dalamnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu para generasi muda dalam memahami literasi keuangan

    Analisa dan Perbandingan Kinerja Routing Protocol OSPF dan EIGRP dalam Simulasi GNS3

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    Router is the network equipment for route the packet from one network segment to another in a bigscale network. Router can route packet because there is a routing table in router configuration. Routing table is anaddress list of source and destination address where the packet will be routed. There are two methods of routing tableconfiguration, static routing and dynamic routing. Static routing is a routing table configuration method where all ofrouting table content is configured manually, usually for a small scale of network. Dynamic network is a routing tableconfiguration method by the router automatically, usually for a big scale of network. A dynamic routing is built fromthe routing information collected by the routing algorithm. There are two routing algorithm, link-state and distancevector algorithm. This simulation will be built in GNS3 simulation software. Goal of this research is to compare theperformance between that two algorithm from two routing protocol that using each of those two algorithm. Thecomparison will be running between OSPF routing protocol on the link state routing protocol and EIGRP on thedistance vector routing protocol side. The result of this analysis and comparison of those two routing protocol isexpected to be a reference of choosing better routing protocol in building a networ

    Latin Letters Recognition Using Optical Character Recognition to Convert Printed Media Into Digital Format

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    Printed media is still popular now days society. Unfortunately, such media encountered several drawbacks. For example, this type of media consumes large storage that impact in high maintenance cost. To keep printed information more efficient and long-lasting, people usually convert it into digital format. In this paper, we built Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system to enable automatic conversion the image containing the sentence in Latin characters into digital text-shaped information. This system consists of several interrelated stages including preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, classifier, model and recognition. In preprocessing, the median filter is used to clarify the image from noise and the Otsu’s function is used to binarize the image. It followed by character segmentation using connected component labeling. Artificial neural network (ANN) is used for feature extraction to recognize the character. The result shows that this system enable to recognize the characters in the image whose success rate is influenced by the training of the system

    Classification of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms In Complex Adaptive System Perspective with Statistical Comparative Test Method

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    This research aims to classify which SI algorithms have CAS or non-CAS criteria. The statistical comparative test method with 5 (five) characteristic test parameters was used as the proof approach that produces the classification. Based on the hypothesis that has been tested from 15 (fifteen) algorithms compared in this study, It was obtained that 8 of 15 (53.33%) algorithms has the majority of CAS characteristics, 3 of 15 (20%) algorithms has a minority of characteristics of CAS, and 4 out of 15 (26.66%) algorithms did not have CAS characteristics. The result can be a reference to understanding the characteristics of SI algorithms in the CAS and vice versa